Here ends my favorite month!

Hello people.
I know its been a while since I have blogged now. But then that is how I eventually came to know that you guys do read Me! And I'm so glad about it. Thank You all you lovely people. ๐Ÿ’œ

So here I'm , writing on one of my favourite topic that I do every year.


Well I can say it was a month full of all the highs and lows of my life.
It probably still is.
But then as 'dharti ka niyam' says "Life doesn't come with instruction manual" and I highly abide by it.
I had my moment of failure. A failure that has definitely made me come to terms with how and what ways Life is going to juggle me up for the coming years. Nevertheless, I have accepted its challenge and decided to fight my own battle Wisely and Rationally.
At times, it seems utterly important to take your time out, think about all the situations and circumstances that you have to or are going to deal with, make up your mind, grab certain opportunities, have the will to take  risks so that you are benefited with its returns and chose your own ways judiciously.
I also realised (once again) how important having one's own family is. I'm blessed with the best of it. They have always stood up by my side in all my decisions until now. (Secretly hoping they do so in future too๐Ÿ˜›)

I also had this opportunity to paint (just fill in colors) a big picture as an initiative by Nerolac paints at Kalaghoda Arts Festival, Mumbai.  I obviously had fun, although I just painted a tiny portion of it.

After a long time, I  had this short meet with my BFF's family. And trust me, all of them have this magical power to brighten up my day anytime. Having a talk with her dad, I realised how humour plays an essential part of our life and how much it helps indirectly to lighten up one's low days. Her mom, she will always be young at heart and a definite affectionate person for me. I love you Tejal.๐Ÿ˜˜

February also came as a turning point to my love for writing. I had an opportunity to be a part of an upcoming Anthology by Project Summer Love named as "Mirage of Hearts". ( Peeps , I hope you all get your hands on it once the anthology is published๐Ÿ˜› )

That is how my February comes to an end...
Shortest month of the year has come to teach me life long lessons this year. I'm grateful for all of it. :)
See you soon.


  1. Really well expressed Sanchita! I'm so glad you are taking each experience in a positive light and striving to be yourself more and more. Lessons of life which many miss even after growing older, you are seeing ad learning from them at this age. Enjoying each moment with your loved ones is also something that I admire about you and I aspire to. Miss tiny and cute- you are chhota packet bada dhamaka :* I hope you always find your way to happiness and peace!


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