Days of Uncreativity.
Example HTML page Holla! Blogging after a very long time. Past few months have been very busy, hectic and left me with no time to brainstorm ideas. Had been uncreative for a long time now. I would like to thank a friend of mine (Asmi Nandola) who keeps me asking everytime about what art did I create in the recent times. Habitually, she asks me this questions whenever we have a random chat. A day prior I realised , I have been answering her since a long time now that “I did not create any art, because I was busy with other stuff”. Upon which I dawned to a realisation that last few months I did not create anything literally, I ran out of ideas (and also time) to do it, I had nothing creative going into my mind all these days. It was around end of march that I made art or blogged or wrote something for my own sake. But as always, taking lessons from this time that I have already missed. 1) ...