Days of Uncreativity.

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Blogging after a very long time.  
Past few months have been very busy, hectic and left me with no time to brainstorm ideas. Had been uncreative for a  long time now.
 I would like to thank a friend of mine (Asmi Nandola) who keeps me asking everytime about what art did  I create in the recent times.  Habitually, she asks me this questions whenever we have a random chat.  A day prior I realised , I have been answering her since a long time now that “I did not create any art, because I was busy with other stuff”. Upon which I dawned to a realisation that last few months I did not create anything literally, I ran out of ideas (and also time) to do it, I had nothing  creative going into my mind all these days.
It was around end of march that I made art or blogged or wrote something for my own sake.
But as always,  taking lessons from this time that I have already missed.

1)      Always make time for art.
Because art will never leave you. It will always guarantee you Happiness, which will eventually reflect into your routine work, making you happier.  However busy you might be, inculcate yourself for atleast sometime into the things you love doing.  Stress would be sidelined for a little time though.

2)      Take care of your health.
Stressful schedules and busy lives leave us with no time to look after our health.  In the end results into some or the other severe illness. That is when we realise how essential it is to slow down, exercise, have regular meals and drink a lot of water.

3)      Social detox.
Once in a while, keep your phone away. Sign out, uninstall,  deactivate all your social networks. Just keep that phone away from your reach. Look around, go for a walk (without the phone), go shopping, talk to people (quite essential), read, watch TV (instead of YT), clean your room, arrange your bookshelf and do all the things YOURSELF that you won’t usually do with your phone handy. Trust me you will feel better for yourself. At the end of the day, you will have a calm sleep.

4)      Love your parents.
I know this one is not new. That is what I realised for myself.  Our parents have already done a lot for us. And that they are ageing. It’s my time to care for them now.  They have always been there for us in all the freaking situations. It’s their time to ‘take a chill’ now.  And also I am going to try to not hurt them even the slightest, knowingly or unknowingly.

5)       Write.
Don’t we often find ourselves and our minds messed up all the time? Anxiety? And numerous unwanted thoughts to not mention?
I say, prioritize, write things down on  piece of paper ( or may be Microsoft Word or whatever digital writing app available). Write and forget about them. 
De-clutter your mind.

6)      Have conversations.
Extinct thing to find now-a-days.
 People, say things aloud. You feel good, tell atleast one person in person about it. You feel bad, talk about it to someone. Misunderstood stuff, clear out with the exact person rather than all others. Find someone nice, tell them about it. Confused, ask someone to guide you. Convey your feelings. Just talk face to face instead of facetime. And goddamn, keep aside your Ego.
I won’t say devalue yourself, but holding grudges for petty issues should not be the option. Do not lose people you consider close. Forgive and be the one to initiate good beginnings. You will find yourself happier, again. J

7)      Surprises.
The word itself makes me happy. I have realised it time and again that how surprises are of prime importance in our lives. I personally love both giving and receiving them: P
So, my sister literally dropped off to my home without informing prior which one big surprise was for me (because I got to see her after almost six months). I love you sissy for this one!

Aaanddd that’s all.
See you till I write the next blog. Hopefully soon.
Tadaa till then. J


  1. Heya! Thank you for the mention! I'm glad that my pestering got you back on your creativity track :*
    Lessons which you shared are profound yet simple. Keep up the good work! And yes...Did you make any art recently? ;) :P

    1. Haha! Thanks Asmio. You sure do are always intrigued about what art I do. And trust me, that does keep me going on certain days!
      Much love! :)


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