And the same sullen day!! The clock not only just striked 8 but my conscience too... No bounds seemed bordering my hurriness. I walked down the street,grabbed a cab and unwillingly, landed on my so called amusement park-the railway station. The chaotic annoyance has occupied integral part of my life and i love it more than anything. The state governed so called MUMBAI local TRAINS have maintained their turtle's pace traditionally thereby delaying people's time and insecure oppurtunities.
                 The roaring horn spurted gradually as the train approached the station in a furious manner. The whisteling alarmed and the sleeping beauties were alerted. MUMBAIKARS rushed on to the doors of train to align themselves just like agressive spartan's empire !!
                  Meanwhile, in the hustle, some awful sight diverted my peripheral vision. The sight barely held my twisted neck. I stepped back. Pulling my bag up the shoulders , i gathered all the holy courage. hesitantly, i crawled a few inches . In the fraction of time, A well built, erect postured , plum - aged man turned his back off me. His scalp was grown white, the signs of aging and scars truly signified his agony and struggle. for a second , imagining him as a beast ,a sweaty drop dripped through my cheeks.While his fingers trembled, he requested me to buy a packet of incense sticks . Without a second thought i denied his kind request. At the same time my mind was strangled between various emotions. Fear,threat,pain,anger,curiosity,dilemma were trying to build a confused and destructive interference pattern!! limelighting the curious and dilemmic part within me, i asked the reason for his painful struggle. The oldy seemed emotionally drowned .He paused for a while. No sooner he sealed his words, than i began poking myslf .My "good me" began blaming my nut sized maturity for making an idiotic unreliable query to the old guy. With affection, he rolled his shivering and unpredictable fortune (hands) through my head. In a soothing, misleading and hopeless voice, he uttered-" Child, I do this job to earn my family's livelihood. My wife is paralysed and son is handicapped since he was 14 . The whole family is dependant on me.With the almighty's grace, I m still cordially bonded with my family.Their moral support gives me strength and courage to live and see the beautiful world more . If you buy a packet of insence sticks, i assure you gonna serve the holy jesus in you, the mankind." His words made me ponder.His speech reflected his dreadful mourn. I was disheartened. For a moment , the luxurious, fantasizing world seemed to slip off underneath me. With no second opinion, i handed him 100 bucks as a huge part of my unconditional cooperation and bought 5 packs of incense sticks. The whistling of train and loud announcement dragged me out of this dogmatic's personality! 
                 After scurtiny, i still doubt whether these people are real or are they just meant to make money by fraud means? To which people like us fall prey ?????? 


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