So here I’m wondering what’s actually going wrong with people of generation...
Till the time I find myself getting to some conclusion, I’m bombarded with thousands of thoughts running down...

  • Break ups

 (# your girl/guy they just leave because you are no longer good for them; they find someone else more attractive than you; or they just did not love you!etc,etc)
But folks do you really think its worth worrying about the people who leave you alone? Is the wait always that worth? NEVER...
 because Life is not about waiting for any damn person. Its all about looking forward for someone more better(and hotter too)... ;-)

Ultimately , the one who loves you will never leave you! Simple as that!

  •  Depression
Nah ,nah...
(#Don’t let yourself drool over those memories..)
However merry they might be! Its your past and its gone! Its ended because there are more good things you should look out for!

After all, Life is all about making and cherishing those times and memories that will make you smile for the years to come along..!

  •  The career phase
(#Struggling with those all entrance tests, struggling with clearing those KT’s, struggling with finding the job that pays you highest... and many more struggles on the way...)
But some or the other way, someday we will end up thanking this struggle because someday all of this is going to be Worth It!

So for the time being, keep calm and put in your best efforts! 

  • Social animal
(#he didn’t  like your facebook profile picture, she didn’t follow you on instagram, he is online but still didn’t reply you, she did repeat the same dress she wore last time, he is partying with his folks without telling you...)
And many more reasons to make you feel upset over such small issues(updates). For godsake, get out from this small little closer connected *not so really social* world.
Go out, meet your friends, have real face to face conversations, laugh aloud instead of just sending those *emoticons*, delete tinder,tell people that you love them instead of just typing it out, let your heart out, cry to your desire instead of those crying smileys, do it all real and do it for Yourself..for a happier you!

Because ultimately Life is all about having those Few but Real people in your Life rather than those lacs of friends on facebook!

  • 20’s...
(#where the only motive of your relatives is to get you married to some random known guy/girl of there neighbor, friend, uncle, aunty,blah blah blah..)

Getting married is fine, but only after you have achieved your aims and goals that you  had; only after you don’t have to depend on someone else for your living; and only after you have fulfilled all the plans that you had for yourself.     

  •  So people out there stop fussing over those little issues and start living.

  • Stay happy.

  •  Stay focused on YOUR aims.

  •  Enjoy your coffee.

  •  Wake up each day with a new zest.

  •  Talk random.

  •   Pour your heart out.
  • Drink it down. 
  • Dance.

  •  Sing at the top of your voice.

  •   Work towards your dreams.

  • Feel the wind.

  •   Travel and travel as much as possible.

  •  Love like you have never did.
  •  And Live like there is no tomorrow...!!! 
 And to remember always...


  1. This is a nice one.... I like it!

  2. Gal! You are my psychologist hehe...very nicely jotted down the ordeals of our age ppl...

    1. Hahaha... glad if it helped u even a bit! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wish you write many such.. And if it changes even a single person.. You are blessed. Continue writing and inspiring.


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