Routine breaks!

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Sitting here at my office desk (with not so urgent work to do) something in there makes me pen this down.
Last few weeks had been a whole whirlwind of emotions! Just to mention, both happy and sad ones.
These past days I have actually had my share of ups and downs.

Accepted that failure hits us very hard and that we should hit it back to the hardest and walk past. But to my bad, how many times is one to put up and deal with them?
The recent time it hit me very brutally! yes, very brutally !
It did not just take away the smile, but consequently my confidence, appetite, patience, sleep and all the belief in hard-work. Nothing inspired or no words had the motivation to get me through it.
Not even music worked its magic. The negativity started entering in.
To not end here, death of your loved ones causes an irreparable damage. All you can do is only wish and wonder have it not had occurred to your dear one, to the person whom you won't be seeing ever again. How is one to bear all this pain?
I had no answers to my own questions.
The routine started getting monotonous. All the daily chores had literally started making me sick.

One fine morning when the day had just began to the same monotony, I question myself that is it how I am going to get carried away by negativity and all the wrong things in life? Is this what I am supposed to do to myself? Am i going to let this failure take me over so easily? Where did all the colors in life flew away?
To all this questions and thoughts houndering over in my mind; I suddenly choose to break the routine for a day and  freshen up myself in order to breathe in the positivity out there.

A morning brisk walk to a pretty coffee shop abruptly flipped in my mood. Between all this chaos I had completely forgot all the things that made me happy and that ultimately kept me going. Its been days that I haven't painted, its been days I had took the color box and paint brushes out from my shelf and that I haven't purchased new stationery, its been days that I had my favorite chocolate pastry and lastly, its been days I haven't met my favorite people. ( Tejal, Vinit, Prasanna... I miss you all a lot! )
All this good things sinking in, made me realize how badly I have wasted days crying over things I could not change!

My point of story is: let bad things hit you , all we are supposed to do is...
get up, put up a pretty wide smile, embrace happiness and start working so hard that the bad days don't repeat themselves! :-D
And never ever forget doing things that make you happy( even if its buying some colorful stationery :-p) and having your favorite dessert.
Last but not the least to mention, this cute (but not really so cute) colleague turned into friend did keep me going throughout all the low days. Apurv, let me tell you that you irritate me a lot and I literally feeling like stabbing your face at times ( haha! :-p), but I won't do that, Or else who would eventually help me out with shortcuts? :-p

Ending it in here. See you all very soon, I don't know when really! but still very soon!
and never quit, keep going, keep motivating yourself and do what you love!


  1. Well written and effectively conveys all your thoughts throughout the ups and downs. It is when you rise that you truly shed off the negativity and reclaim control over your thoughts. And Sanchi, know this: I am proud of you babe! For always getting back up. Courage, strength and faith - all this and much more is within you. And I feel that, when you blog about your ultimate realization of, positivity being the only way out of any situation and towards happiness and success, that is when you have truly believed again in your power. And in this process, you inspire countless other people! :) keep smiling and be positive dearie! :* And of course, keep writing! ;) :)

  2. Well written and effectively conveys all your thoughts throughout the ups and downs. It is when you rise that you truly shed off the negativity and reclaim control over your thoughts. And Sanchi, know this: I am proud of you babe! For always getting back up. Courage, strength and faith - all this and much more is within you. And I feel that, when you blog about your ultimate realization of, positivity being the only way out of any situation and towards happiness and success, that is when you have truly believed again in your power. And in this process, you inspire countless other people! :) keep smiling and be positive dearie! :* And of course, keep writing! ;) :)


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